30k PRH units set for 2024-25

June 13, 2024

About 30,200 public rental housing (PRH) flats will be available for allocation in 2024-25, the Housing Authority announced today.


In the estimated PRH allocation for 2024-25, the bureau stated that 23,300 flats will be allocated to PRH applicants, among which 2,200 flats will go to non-elderly one-person applicants under the Quota & Points System, and the remaining 21,100 flats will be allocated to general applicants.


As regards the allocation for other categories of applicants, the authority will reserve 1,200 flats for rehousing residents affected by clearance projects. Moreover, 300 flats will be set aside for rehousing residents affected by the Urban Renewal Authority’s redevelopment projects scheduled for 2024-25.


In addition, 700 flats will be reserved for compassionate rehousing.


Some 3,700 flats will be used for various transfer purposes, which involve the transfer of under-occupation households, the Transfer Scheme for Improving the Living Environment, and other transfer objectives.


For the category of junior civil servants and pensioners, 1,000 flats will be reserved in 2024-25.


Separately, for 2023-24, the authority reported that the actual allocation was 23,598 flats.


It explained that since individual projects undertaken by Aggressive Construction Company were not completed as scheduled, the number of newly completed flats was 4,500 fewer than the original estimate.


On the other hand, as a result of the Housing Department’s continuous efforts in combatting the abuse of public housing resources, together with the intake of new subsidised sale flats, the number of recovered flats was about 4,100 more than the original estimate of 15,600, the authority added.

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