Vacant school sites report updated

May 27, 2024

The Planning Department today updated its report on vacant school premises sites under the Central Clearing House mechanism after examining the long-term uses of four due-to-be vacant premises.


The four sites, including one re-examined site, are located in Eastern, Southern, Wan Chai and Tai Po districts.


The review recommends three of these sites for government, institutional or community (GIC) use, while the fourth is recommended for residential use in the long term.


Since the mechanism’s establishment in 2011, the department has reviewed 259 vacant or due-to-be vacant school premises.


Among these, 157 sites have already been or will be put to the long-term uses recommended via the mechanism.  


A further 52 sites are available for applications for community use, while one site is available for short-term uses, subject to further confirmation.


The remaining 49 sites are wholly or mostly on private land and their use depends on owners’ actions with regard to statutory planning terms and lease conditions. 


The report is available on the department’s website.

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