FS promotes HK in Paris

May 24, 2024

Financial Secretary Paul Chan yesterday began a visit to Paris, where he introduced Hong Kong’s unique advantages to France's local business and financial communities, and encouraged local enterprises to pursue business opportunities in Hong Kong.


In the morning, Mr Chan attended a brunch meeting and briefed representatives of French financial institutions and the country’s business community on developments in Hong Kong, including its economic and financial positions, the performance of its asset market, and the measures taken by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to encourage growth and development.


Mr Chan emphasised that, under the “one country, two systems” framework, Hong Kong continues to practise the common law, maintain a free, open, friendly, and efficient business environment, and ensure the free flow of capital, goods, people, and information.


He added that the linked exchange rate system operates smoothly, the financial regulatory system aligns with international standards, the rule of law is robust, and the city has good law and order.


Mr Chan elaborated on the policies and achievements of the Hong Kong SAR Government in actively attracting enterprises and talents, and encouraged French financial institutions and enterprises to use the city as a platform to explore the Mainland and other Asian markets.


He also had in-depth exchanges with participants on various topics, including the business environment in Hong Kong following the completion of the Basic Law Article 23 legislation, economic and trade exchanges between Hong Kong and the Middle East and Southeast Asia regions, the ongoing advancement of mutual access programmes between the Mainland and Hong Kong financial markets, and more.

In the afternoon, Mr Chan visited a French company, Prophesee, which develops sensor chips, and learned about its technology and business development.


The company’s innovative visual sensor technology, in combination with artificial intelligence, can discern information that is difficult to gather with traditional technologies. It is applicable in various industries and scenarios such as photography in mobile phones, healthcare, autonomous vehicles, industrial automation, and more.


With the assistance of Invest Hong Kong and support from the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, the company began operating in Hong Kong last year, and is co-operating with the Hong Kong Applied Science & Technology Research Institute on technological development. Prophesee will soon establish a regional headquarters in Hong Kong with a view to expanding into the Mainland and Asian markets.


Mr Chan extended a warm welcome to the company over the move, and commended it on leveraging the city's vibrant financing platform to grow its operations.


Mr Chan also visited La Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens, which operates the public transportation system in Paris and currently owns Hong Kong Tramways wholly.


During the meeting, the company’s management introduced its various businesses, and outlined how it is using innovative technology to improve service quality and implement low-carbon transformation.


Mr Chan highlighted that several large-scale projects and new development areas will be launched in Hong Kong in the future, and that these will involve establishing various transportation network facilities. He invited the firm to consider bringing its knowledge and technology to these projects.


Mr Chan later visited the control centre of Paris Metro Line 14.

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