Imported labour applications refined

April 10, 2024

As at end-March, more than 960 Enhanced Supplementary Labour Scheme (ESLS) applications were approved since its launch in September 2023, and the Government will implement measures to streamline the processing of the applications.


Secretary for Labour & Welfare Chris Sun made the remarks in reply to questions from legislator Shiu Ka-fai in the Legislative Council today.


Since the launch of the ESLS on September 4, 2023 and as at March 31, 3,701 applications seeking to import 37,377 workers were received. Of these applications, 29,190 imported workers intended to take up posts which were generally excluded from labour importation previously.


During this period, 964 ESLS applications seeking to import 5,134 workers were approved, including 2,318 imported workers who were approved to take up posts generally excluded from labour importation in the past.


Mr Sun said the Labour Department will introduce an application form for common posts next month, and employers who use the new form and fill in the information specified in the "List of Common Posts" will have a shorter processing time.


The department will also organise briefings for employment agencies involved in labour importation matters and explain the ESLS application arrangements to facilitate employment agencies in assisting employers with handling the applications, he added.


Additionally, it will exercise flexibility in handling recruitment advertisements placed by employers during local recruitment and vet the applications as soon as possible.

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