Northbound travel bookings refined

February 5, 2024

The Transport Department today announced that the Specified Dates Booking System for Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles will be refined to shorten the periods of booking for departure and cancellation of booking for departure from tomorrow.


The arrangement aims to facilitate Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles applicants to travel from Hong Kong to Guangdong via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.


The period of making a booking for departure will be shortened to at or before noon on one calendar day before departure. For example, the applicant may make a booking for departure on February 7 via the system at or before noon of February 6.


Regarding the cancellation of booking for departure, the period of putting up a cancellation request will be shortened to at or before noon on one calendar day before departure. For example, the applicant may cancel a booking for departure on February 7 via the system at or before noon of February 6.


The department also reminds applicants to make reservations in advance through the system and drive to Guangdong Province via the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in accordance with the specified date and time reserved.


The department added that it will maintain close liaison with the Mainland authorities and conduct random checks on the vehicle crossing records of Northbound Travel for Hong Kong Vehicles to ensure that applicants comply with the terms and conditions.

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