Science university criteria set

February 2, 2024

The Education Bureau today promulgated the criteria for qualifying as Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) and invites eligible self-financing post-secondary institutions to submit applications all year round.


The criteria cover aspects such as governance, management, quality assurance, learning environment and learner support as well as industry collaboration and recognition, with reference to experiences in other places including Australia, Canada, Finland, Germany, Mainland China, Switzerland and the UK.


The self-financing post-secondary institutions should have obtained a university title and possess the vision, commitment, capabilities and experience in operating an institution that embodies the key features of UAS.


Applications from eligible institutions should include a self-evaluation against the criteria for qualifying as a UAS for the purpose of undergoing an institutional review by the Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications.


The relevant criteria and application procedures are set out in the Manual for Institutional Review for UAS.


The bureau will provide financial and related support to bolster the development of UAS and encourage institutions to offer more applied degree programmes.

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