January warm with a cold interlude

February 2, 2024

January was overall warmer than usual despite a very cold episode in the latter part of the month, the Hong Kong Observatory said today.

For most of the month, the northeast monsoon over the south China coast was generally weaker than normal.

The monthly mean maximum temperature of 20.5 degrees Celsius, monthly mean temperature of 17.9 degrees Celsius and monthly mean minimum temperature of 15.9 degrees Celsius were higher than normal and, respectively, the sixth, sixth and seventh highest on record for January. 

January was also drier than usual, with total rainfall of 6.7 mm reaching only about 20% of the normal level.

Under the influence of the northeast monsoon and the subsequent weak replenishments, Hong Kong’s weather was generally fine and mild during the day on the first 16 days of the month.

On January 21, winds strengthened gradually from the north and temperatures fell significantly.

Under the influence of the associated intense winter monsoon and with a broad band of clouds covering southern China, local temperatures fell further on January 22 and 23. 

The weather became very cold on January 23, with temperatures at the observatory dropping to a minimum of 6.3 degrees Celsius in the morning, the lowest of the month.

The temperature at Tai Mo Shan fell to a minimum of -2.9 degrees Celsius the same day. 

There were reports of ice at Tai Mo Shan on January 23 and 24.

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