Welfare subsidies to rise

January 29, 2024

Several types of social security allowances will be increased by 3.3% from February 1, the Social Welfare Department announced today.


Based on the established adjustment mechanism, the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) standard payment rates and the rates of the Old Age Allowance, Old Age Living Allowance (OALA) and Disability Allowance under the Social Security Allowance Scheme will increase by 3.3%.


The Legislative Council Finance Committee approved the adjustments last month, which will benefit more than 1.5 million people.


Even though the maximum rent allowance under the CSSA scheme should be adjusted downwards correspondingly according to the relevant mechanism, the Government will maintain it at the current levels as the difficult global economic environment may continue to weigh on Hong Kong's economy and CSSA recipients remain one of the most economically vulnerable groups.


Meanwhile, to tie in with municipal solid waste charging, the Finance Committee has approved the provision of a $10 monthly subsidy to CSSA and OALA recipients as from August 1, the adjusted statutory commencement date of the waste charging.

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