Industrial building waiver extended

January 26, 2024

The Development Bureau today announced that it will extend the effective period of the relaxation of waiver application requirement for existing industrial buildings (IBs) to January 31, 2025.


The bureau explained that with a view to revitalising and optimising the use of existing IBs, it relaxed the waiver application requirement for an initial period of five years on February 1, 2019.


The move was made to permit five specific non-industrial uses to operate in individual units of existing IBs without the need for the owner apply for a temporary waiver and pay a fee.


This is on the condition that such uses are permitted under the land use zoning of the sites concerned on the relevant Outline Zoning Plans as “Column 1”.


The five specific non-industrial uses cover art studio; audio-visual recording studio; design and media production; creative industries including design and media production firms, printing and publishing industries, film companies, and film-related trade organisations; and research, design and development centre.


With public safety as a prime concern, the permitted uses must not involve uses or activities that attract visiting members of the public by providing direct services or goods, such as hobby classes, exhibitions and sales activities, or rehearsal facilities for any party other than the operator, owner and tenant of the premises.


Apart from pointing out that the waiver relaxation arrangement facilitates the provision of needed floor space within existing industrial buildings in a pragmatic manner to meet persistent demand from various industries without compromising public safety, the bureau emphasised that the market feedback has been generally positive.


The Government will review the need for a further extension in due course, it added.


For details about the arrangement, visit the websites of the Development Bureau or the Lands Department.


For application enquiries on individual industrial buildings, please contact the District Lands Offices.

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