Food waste recycling scheme opens

December 29, 2023

A pilot scheme opened today for private housing estates with a total household number of at least 1,000 units to apply for food waste smart bins.


Under the Pilot Scheme on Food Waste Smart Recycling Bins in Private Housing Estates, the Environmental Protection Department will arrange for contractors to install the food waste smart bins in participating housing estates and deliver the collected food waste to centralised treatment facilities every day, for treatment and conversion into electricity and compost.


The participating housing estates will be provided with domestic food waste buckets for distribution to residents for food waste collection.


The smart bins provided are equipped with overflow prevention and odour abatement devices to maintain a hygienic environment.


They are also connected to the GREEN$ Electronic Participation Incentive Scheme, allowing residents to earn GREEN$ points and redeem gifts by recycling food waste.


Together with the maintenance services, the pilot scheme will last for two years, free of charge.


To facilitate the implementation of Municipal Solid Waste Charging on April 1, 2024, the Environmental Campaign Committee provided funding support to the scheme to encourage residents to cultivate the habit of food waste recycling.


Click here for details.

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