Logistics funding schemes to launch

December 29, 2023

The Transport & Logistics Bureau today announced that two logistics-related funding schemes under the Maritime & Aviation Training Fund will be officially launched on January 8.


The Professional Training on Smart & Green Logistics Scheme and the Logistics Promotion Funding Scheme will accept applications all year round.


The bureau explained that the Professional Training on Smart & Green Logistics Scheme aims to subsidise eligible logistics associations and training or educational institutions to organise local training courses on modern, smart and green logistics, with a view to helping in-service practitioners equip themselves with up-to-date knowledge.


The scheme will provide subsidies covering up to 80% of the course fees for each participant, subject to a cap of $6,500.


Meanwhile, the Logistics Promotion Funding Scheme will provide sponsorship of up to 100% of the total costs for local promotional campaigns and activities organised by eligible logistics-related organisations and professional bodies.


The scheme supports the rebranding of the modern logistics industry as smart, innovative and high-end. The aim is to attract more young people to join the industry, while also promoting the strengths of Hong Kong as an international premier logistics hub to both local and overseas companies.


The bureau added that the Logistics Development Council’s Subcommittee on Industry Development and the Subcommittee on Infrastructure & Promotion will assess and approve applications, in addition to monitoring and reviewing the implementation of the schemes.


The Government will regularly review the use of the funding and the schemes’ effectiveness to ensure that they keep in step with the industry’s development.

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