Plans for Fringe Club accepted

December 28, 2023

The Government announced today that it has accepted Hong Kong Festival Fringe’s proposal to operate the Fringe Club premises at No. 2 Lower Albert Road, South Block, Central, for arts and culture use for three years from April 1, 2024.


According to the plan, it will continue to operate the Fringe Club and introduce a series of new programmes featuring arts tech, cross-genre showcases and Chinese culture at the premises.


It also plans to maintain the premises as an iconic arts and culture landmark in Central and Hong Kong to showcase the city’s role as an East-meets-West centre for international cultural exchange.


The Government announced in April that it would conduct an Invitation For Proposal exercise to identify the most suitable non-profit-making operator for the premises. It received six proposals by the October 20 deadline.


An assessment panel then assessed the proposals based on pre-determined assessment criteria.


The lease for the premises currently occupied by Festival Fringe will expire on March 31, 2024. 

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