Interest in int'l school sites invited

December 28, 2023

The Education Bureau is inviting all existing international school operators in Hong Kong to submit expressions of interest (EoI) for the allocation of vacant school premises or sites for international school development.


The exercise is also open to other interested parties meeting the prescribed requirements.


In his 2023 Policy Address, the Chief Executive highlighted the importance of Hong Kong being proactive in competing for enterprises and trawling for talent.


With an anticipated injection of talent through various schemes, the Government sees merit in conducting an exercise offering around 1,000 school places to meet the educational requirements of the dependent children of incoming talent.


The bureau has identified two vacant school premises, or sites for development, in North Point and Kowloon Tong.


It said the exercise will help it to ascertain the development needs of the international school sector, and to gauge schools’ interest in and preferences with regard to the sites identified.


Subject to responses in the EoI exercise, the bureau will proceed with the school allocation exercise in 2024. Responding operators who meet the prescribed requirements will be invited to submit detailed proposals for consideration under an open and competitive bidding process.


A note to respondents, detailed infrastructural requirements for the vacant school sites, and the reply form, can be accessed at the bureau’s website.


Completed reply forms should be sent by post to the bureau’s Infrastructure, International School & Statistics Division at 6/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, or by email.


The deadline is February 21, 2024.

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