UN internship applications open

December 22, 2023

A new round of the United Nations Volunteers - Hong Kong Universities Volunteer Internship Programme which will run from July to December next year is open for applications from local undergraduate students, the Home & Youth Affairs Bureau announced today.


The programme provides students with an opportunity to take up a six-month volunteer internship in the overseas field units of UN agencies, during which the interns will be able to develop personal capabilities and expand their horizons as well as contribute to the international community in the capacity of Chinese youth volunteers.


A total of 23 university students participated in two rounds of the programme in 2023. They undertook internships in various UN agencies located in Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal and Thailand, including the World Food Programme, the UN Children’s Fund and the UN Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization.


The new round of the programme will be expanded to cover more countries along the Belt & Road, offering 25 placements in different UN agencies located in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Nepal, Thailand, Uzbekistan and Vietnam. These volunteer internships will cover areas such as health and education, environment and innovation management.


Applicants should be full-time undergraduate students of local universities. The Home & Youth Affairs Bureau will provide round-trip air tickets and monthly living allowances and offer pre-departure training for participants in collaboration with the Agency for Volunteer Service.


Applications should be submitted by January 25, 2024.

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