Govt, taxi trade discuss car hailing

December 20, 2023

Government representatives from the Transport & Logistics Bureau, the Transport Department and Police today met with taxi trade representatives to discuss how to deal more effectively with the illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward.


The bureau highlighted out that the Legislative Council passed the Road Traffic Legislation (Enhancing Personalized Point-to-point Transport Services) (Amendment) Bill 2023 on December 13. The bill increased the penalty levels for illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward by motor vehicles.


Measures included increasing the maximum fine, lengthening the periods of vehicle licence suspension and vehicle impoundment, and increasing the maximum term of imprisonment.


Police will step up enforcement actions against illegal carriage of passengers for hire or reward, while also welcoming information about such illegal activities from the public and the trade.


The Government recently announced that a review of existing legislation relating to the matter will be launched. It will also examine the regulation of online hire car hailing platforms, so that only taxis and vehicles with hire car permits can provide services through such platforms.


The Government plans to communicate with and listen to the views of LegCo members, the trade and other relevant stakeholders in mid-2024. It will gather policy and legal perspectives on the relevant regulation, and also take on board findings from overseas.


The bureau stressed that the Government welcomes views from the taxi and will take these into consideration.


It added that the Government was pleased to see representatives from the trade expressing views and addressing the issue in a pragmatic manner at today’s meeting. It iterated that Government will continue to proactively listen to the views of the taxi trade and other sectors of the community.

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