Families make scarves for elderly

December 17, 2023
Warm gifts
Warm gifts:

Parents and children stitch crochet squares into scarves to be donated to the elderly.

At an event hosted by the Education Bureau today, around 360 parents and children made scarves for elderly citizens by stitching crochet squares together.


The squares used by participants in the “Positive Parent Campaign Activity Day & Prize Presentation Ceremony” were made during an earlier parent-child activity organised by the bureau, “Warm Stitches, Grateful Hearts.” More than 10,000 crochet squares were submitted by some 3,000 students and parents from over 90 schools.


During visits arranged by the bureau, the scarves will be sent to elderly people residing in Tung Wah Group of Hospitals care homes, or to senior citizens living alone.


Speaking at the ceremony, Secretary for Education Choi Yuk-lin congratulated parents on creating happy memories through organised parent-child activities, and encouraged them to help their children thrive and shine by fostering a healthy and happy environment for their development. She added that the bureau will continue to promote positive parenting education.


At the ceremony, prizes were presented to award-winning schools, students and parents participating in the crochet activities and various parent-child games.

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