C919, ARJ21 conclude HK visit

December 17, 2023

The Transport & Logistics Bureau said today that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will continue to support the high-quality development of China’s civil aviation industry following days of activities in the city on the occasion of a visit by home-developed C919 and ARJ21 aircraft.


The bureau highlighted that the activities had allowed Hong Kong citizens to experience the country’s significant achievements in aviation manufacturing. The visit of the two aircraft was facilitated by the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) and the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), and the bureau said the Hong Kong SAR Government will work with the CAAC to build national strength in civil aviation and write a new chapter in the sector’s development.  


It added that the Hong Kong SAR Government will continue to enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international aviation hub, while also collaborating with other airports in the Greater Bay Area.


Upon arrival at Hong Kong International Airport on December 12, the C919 and ARJ21 jets were greeted by a ceremonial water salute. Following a welcoming ceremony the next day, the aircraft were put on static display at the airport, where they received more than 500 visitors, comprising members of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council, local and overseas aviation industry representatives, and delegations from youth groups and district organisations.


The highlight of the visit was a flight demonstration by the C919 jet yesterday. The aircraft flew twice over Victoria Harbour, first at an altitude of 1,500ft and then at an altitude of 1,000ft, attracting large crowds to flock to the harbourside.


An interactive session was also held yesterday, with COMAC representatives sharing their knowledge about the jets’ development with some 300 young people.


The bureau said the activities staged during the planes’ visit had not only allowed the public to gain a better understanding of China’s aviation development, but also enhanced young people’s sense of national identity and would encourage them to consider joining the aviation industry.


The bureau also invited members of the public to take part in the C919 Aircraft Flight Demonstration in Hong Kong Photo Competition by submitting their images online by December 29.

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