Homegrown aircraft land in HK

December 12, 2023

Homegrown aircraft C919 and ARJ21 arrived in Hong Kong today for their first visit and will stay until Sunday.


They were greeted by a ceremonial water salute at Hong Kong International Airport this afternoon.


In addition to a welcoming ceremony to be held by the Civil Aviation Department and the Airport Authority Hong Kong at the apron of the airport tomorrow morning, there will also be a static display of the two aircraft at a designated area in the airport from tomorrow afternoon to Friday, the department said.


It added that the static display is intended for visits by the Executive Council, the Legislative Council, invited representatives of the aviation industry and youth groups.


Weather permitting, the C919 will conduct a demonstration flight over Victoria Harbour on Saturday morning. It is estimated that the aircraft will take off at 10.30am from the airport and will overfly Victoria Harbour twice from west to east.


Members of the public can admire the domestic aircraft up close from both sides of the Victoria Harbour, including the Tsim Sha Tsui East waterfront, Kwun Tong promenade, Quarry Bay Promenade, West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade, the Central & Western District Promenade, and Golden Bauhinia Square.  


A temporary restricted flying zone will be established in and around Victoria Harbour during the flight demonstration. Flying activities such as the flying of unmanned aircraft systems, kites, captive balloons, mass release of small balloons etc, will be restricted.


On Saturday afternoon, representatives from the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, the manufacturer of the C919 and ARJ21 aircraft, will meet over 200 young people at the department’s headquarters to share interesting facts about the development of the two aircraft.

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