Meteor shower to be live-streamed

December 12, 2023

The Leisure & Cultural Services Department (LCSD) announced today that the Hong Kong Space Museum will live-stream a Geminid meteor shower from 9pm to 11pm on December 14 via its YouTube channel and LCSD Plusss Facebook page.


The shower is predicted to be one of this year’s most spectacular astronomical phenomena. It is estimated that during its peak, at 3am on December 15, its zenithal hourly rate may reach 150, the highest among the many meteor showers this year.


The Space Museum will instruct viewers on ways to observe the shower, and provide relevant astronomical knowledge, during the live-streaming presentation.


During a meteor shower, meteors appear to emanate from a point, or radiant, in the night sky. The radiant of the Geminid meteor shower will rise in the northeast at about 7.30pm, and the number of meteors will increase as the radiant rises higher in the sky.


As the shower is occurring on around the second and third day of the lunar month, the influence of moonlight will be negligible, resulting in favourable observation conditions. People are advised to observe the shower at a site with a wide field of view and minimal light pollution.

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