New DC term will be constructive: CE

December 12, 2023

(To watch the full media session with sign language interpretation, click here.)


Chief Executive John Lee said today that the seventh District Council Election paves the way for a constructive District Council term instead of a destructive one.

Over 1.19 million registered electors cast their votes in the election on December 10.

Ahead of the Executive Council meeting this morning, Mr Lee told reporters that the election had been a successful one.

“I think each election has its own characteristics. Some voters have not come out to vote for different reasons, but obviously those who try to sabotage the election, they still exist. And of course, they will be trying to do anything they can to make the election not successful.

“But the turnout of about 1.2 million voters has indicated that they supported the election. They supported the principles, and they supported the idea that the new District Council will be producing good candidates, good District Council members, for the overall good of each district.”

He added that the most important thing of all is for society to focus on what the election will produce.

“The outcome will be District Council members who will be monitored for their performance to ensure that they do well. Rather than previously, when some District Council members pursued their own political interests, sabotaged the system and reacted against the governance of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government or the central government.”

Mr Lee stressed that the seventh-term District Council members are from different backgrounds, sectors and professions, and that they will be committed to the overall good of residents. 


The next-term District Councils are composed of 470 members, with 176 seats from the District Committees constituency and 88 seats from the District Council geographical constituency, in addition to 179 appointed members and 27 ex-officio members.


In accordance with the District Councils Ordinance, the Chief Executive has appointed 179 people as members of the next-term District Councils for a term of office of four years starting from January 1, 2024.


The registration of 27 incumbent Rural Committees chairmen as ex-officio members has also been confirmed as valid in accordance with the District Councils Ordinance.


Mr Lee said the appointments were made under the principle of meritocracy, having regard to the situations and development needs of individual districts and factors such as community representativeness and ties with local communities.

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