Security knowledge quiz launched

December 3, 2023
Knowledge quiz
Knowledge quiz:

Secretary for Justice Paul Lam (centre) and Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung (second right) officiate at the launch ceremony of the Citywide Inter-school National Security Knowledge Challenge.

The Citywide Inter-school National Security Knowledge Challenge was launched today to tie in with Constitution Day on December 4 and National Security Education Day on April 15, 2024.
The quiz is jointly organised by the Department of Justice (DoJ), the Security Bureau, the Education Bureau and Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation.
Speaking in a video speech, Chief Executive John Lee said he hopes students can have a deeper understanding of the Hong Kong National Security Law and the holistic view of national security as well as learn about the Constitution and the Basic Law via participating in the event.
He encouraged them to share with their families and friends the knowledge and thoughts acquired from the challenge, become promoters of national security education and make contributions in safeguarding national security.
While officiating at the launch ceremony, Secretary for Justice Paul Lam noted that national security is the cornerstone of national stability. He stressed that it is not only a legal responsibility for citizens to respect and abide by laws in safeguarding national security, but also their due obligation.
Understanding the importance and urgency of national security during school years can help students to cultivate a sense of national identity at an early stage and properly understand their civic responsibilities, he added.
Secretary for Security Tang Ping-keung also officiated at the ceremony where apart from pointing out that the Government has come up with new initiatives on national security education, he noted that the quiz combined the professional legal knowledge of the DoJ, the Education Bureau’s schools' and students' networks and Hong Kong Shine Tak Foundation ‘s experience in organising inter-school competitions and its resources.
The challenge is divided into primary and secondary school sections, and includes team and individual competitions. A total of 54 schools have advanced into the quarter-finals to compete for the championship.
Highlights of today’s launch ceremony and the challenge will be broadcast at 10.30pm on Sundays starting from today till mid-April next year on "Our Home Our Country" programme on HOY Infotainment.

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