100 civil servants commended

November 28, 2023

Secretary for the Civil Service (SCS) Ingrid Yeung today presented the SCS’s Commendation Award to civil servants with outstanding performances, with Chief Executive John Lee also attending the ceremony to extend his congratulations.


Addressing the ceremony, Mrs Yeung said the awardees had demonstrated dedication in their posts and areas of service, and that their perseverance in providing quality public services and pursuit of excellence were highly commendable.


Mrs Yeung also pointed out that the 2023 Policy Address had set out a number of initiatives to strengthen the civil service management system, including advancing the performance-based management system and giving due recognition to civil servants with outstanding performances and dedication to serving the community.


She added that the Government will enhance the training for all civil servants to boost their patriotism and sense of national security as well as introduce the Civil Service Staff Exchange Programme with the Greater Bay Area, such that Hong Kong civil servants will have opportunities to station temporarily on the Mainland to have a deeper understanding of bay area development.


The 100 award recipients of the SCS’s Commendation Award Scheme 2023 comprise civil servants from 38 bureaus and departments, involving 50 grades. Among them, Senior Airworthiness Officer Henry Leung, Chief Customs Officer Tjong Yu-pau and Land Surveyor Ho Chi-ho were commended at today’s ceremony.


To enhance public understanding of the work of the award-winning civil servants and their dedication to serving the community, the Civil Service Bureau and Radio Television Hong Kong have jointly produced a 10-episode television series of five minutes titled United to serve the community - Good stories of civil servants, for broadcast on RTHK TV31 from mid-December. In each episode, an outstanding civil servant who received the commendation award will be featured to showcase their good stories and attract outstanding talent to join the Government.


Separately, with 12 days to go before the District Council Election, Mrs Yeung took the opportunity to appeal to civil servants to cast their votes with their friends and families on polling day to discharge their civic responsibility, with a view to building a better community. 

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