HK promotional work highlighted

November 23, 2023
Tireless effort
Tireless effort:

At the reception, Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau (right) highlights the outpost offices’ efforts in promoting Hong Kong.

Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau today hosted a cocktail reception to update his guests on the work of the overseas Hong Kong Economic & Trade Offices (ETOs) and the Mainland Offices in promoting Hong Kong.


The 200 guests comprised representatives of consulates, chambers of commerce and major trade associations as well as members of relevant government boards and committees.


Heads of 14 ETOs and five Mainland Offices, who are in Hong Kong for an annual meeting, also attended the cocktail reception.


Addressing the reception, Mr Yau highlighted that the Government is committed to implementing various measures to assist Hong Kong people and businesses in seizing new opportunities and for the city to return to centre stage.


He thanked colleagues of the ETOs and the Mainland Offices for their efforts in fostering closer bilateral trade ties and cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and various economies, and keeping the concerning governments and contacts updated on Hong Kong’s latest developments.


The commerce chief also recognised the essential support rendered by the offices to senior government officials in their visits to long-standing and emerging markets.


Citing the relevant ETOs’ support for the Middle East and Association of Southeast Asian Nations missions led by the Chief Executive earlier this year as an example, Mr Yau said the two visits were highly successful in enhancing Hong Kong's connections with the two regions and telling the good stories of Hong Kong on all fronts.


He also pointed out that the 17 dedicated teams for attracting businesses and talent set up in the offices have been reaching out to target enterprises proactively, showcasing the city’s opportunities and advantages as well as the various schemes and new policy initiatives for attracting quality enterprises and talent.


"We will continue to proactively make efforts to explore business opportunities and enhance Hong Kong's position as an international trade and financial centre,” Mr Yau said, adding that the ETOs and the Mainland Offices will organise a variety of activities to strengthen the Hong Kong promotion.

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