Green solutions discussed at expo

October 29, 2023
Capturing imaginations
Capturing imaginations:

Secretary for Environment & Ecology Tse Chin-wan (sixth left) and students visit an exhibition booth in the GreenTech zone at Eco Expo Asia.

Secretary for Environment & Ecology Tse Chin-wan today exchanged views with young people at Eco Expo Asia on ways to achieve carbon neutrality.


During a dialogue session, Mr Tse discussed the global impacts of climate change, Hong Kong’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality before 2050, applications of green technological innovations, and carbon reduction tips for daily life, with some 400 youths from 12 schools and uniformed groups. The attendees eagerly asked questions and shared their views on environmental protection issues.


Stressing that young people are important stakeholders in tackling the climate crisis, Mr Tse called on them to apply environmental protection knowledge in everyday life. He also encouraged those aspiring to work in environment-related fields to study hard, pursue their interests and amass expertise, so as to contribute to combating climate change and achieving sustainable development.


Eco Expo Asia was open to the public free of charge today, with activities in addition to the dialogue session including guided tours, upcycling workshops, green markets and environmental seminars. Furthermore, the event’s first ESG Employment Base was in operation to publicise employment and development opportunities for people interested in joining the environmental, social and governance sector.

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