Caring community is our goal: CE

October 25, 2023

The Government aspires to create a cohesive and caring community driven by a vibrant economy and underpinned by the “one country, two systems” principle and a mission to improve people’s livelihoods, Chief Executive John Lee said this morning.


Mr Lee made these remarks as he delivered his second Policy Address since assuming office, highlighting that Hong Kong has come out of the pandemic in a strong position and with an economy that is set to reverse last year’s negative results and resume growth this year.


While noting that the external environment remains challenging, Mr Lee pledged that he will lead the city to grasp opportunities, capitalise on its advantages, and develop new areas of growth.


Steady growth – and well above the global average – is forecast for the Mainland economy this year and next, he said, noting that this will create ongoing opportunities for Hong Kong.


He added that Hong Kong must sustain and reinforce its distinctive advantages globally, pursue markets in ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries, the Middle East and elsewhere, and strive for early accession to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, giving full play in the process to its role as the bridge between the Mainland and the rest of the world.


Mr Lee said the Government will continue to trawl for talent from outside of Hong Kong and strive to retain it. In addition, it will compete for enterprises and explore new growth areas while reinforcing the strengths of traditional sectors.


In the medium to long term, the Government will reinforce Hong Kong’s competitive edge, carry forward development of the Northern Metropolis as a new engine for growth, and assume an industry-oriented approach as a policy priority.


Referring to President Xi Jinping’s speech on the 25th anniversary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in which he said “Hong Kong will prosper only when its young people thrive,” the Chief Executive added that he will continue to heed Mr Xi’s advice as the basis for his blueprint for the city’s governance.


“This will, I am confident, lead Hong Kong to new heights as an economy and a community,” he said.

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