Littering penalties to be raised

Food & Environmental Hygiene Department staff distribute promotional leaflets to retailers, urging them to be mindful of higher penalties in relation to public cleanliness offences from October 22.
The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department said today it has stepped up publicity and educational work to remind members of the public that fixed penalties pertaining to public cleanliness offences such as depositing litter or waste will be raised on October 22.
Under the amended Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness & Obstruction) Ordinance, the fixed penalty for depositing litter or waste, spitting, displaying bills or posters without permission in public places, and permitting dog fouling, will be raised to $3,000.
Meanwhile, the fixed penalty level for “shopfront extension” and the illegal disposal of construction waste or large amounts of other wastes will be raised to $6,000.
The department said its staff have been carrying out publicity and educational work in various districts. They distributed promotional leaflets to members of the public, including retailers and foreign domestic helpers, appealing to them to abide by the law and support to the Government’s work to improve Hong Kong’s environmental hygiene.