Lo Chung-mau tours medical school

September 21, 2023
Effective learning
Effective learning:

Secretary for Health Prof Lo Chung-mau (second left) visits a clinical skills learning centre at Prince of Wales Hospital to learn more about the clinical skills teaching there.

Secretary for Health Prof Lo Chung-mau visited the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Faculty of Medicine today to learn about its latest progress in enhancing healthcare teaching facilities and meet teaching staff and students.


Accompanied by the faculty Dean Prof Francis Chan, Prof Lo and Under Secretary for Health Dr Libby Lee toured the healthcare teaching facilities in Prince of Wales Hospital and on the university campus to understand the progress of the enhancement works.


They then met some medical students to learn about their faith in the choice of study, latest learning experience as well as aspiration for pursuing careers in medicine.


Prof Lo said the Government has been taking forward a series of measures to enhance training for healthcare manpower, including increasing the number of healthcare training places and supporting University Grants Committee-funded universities to upgrade and expand healthcare teaching facilities, so as to address challenges such as the mounting demand for healthcare services and tight manpower in the public healthcare system.


“The Government will continue to devote resources to training healthcare professionals of various disciplines to ensure the quality of healthcare services.


“Meanwhile, I hope that students studying healthcare programmes will actively engage in the public healthcare services after graduation while bearing in mind their aspiration for safeguarding the well-being of Hong Kong citizens.”

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