Air quality consultation starts

August 31, 2023

The Environment & Ecology Bureau today launched a two-month consultation to invite public views on the findings of its review of the Air Quality Objectives (AQOs).


The bureau explained that the AQOs are reviewed at least once every five years, in accordance with the law, to continuously improve air quality and better protect public health.


It stressed that the Government will assess progress made towards improving air quality using the World Health Organization’s WHO Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQGs) as a benchmark to aid in setting Hong Kong’s AQOs for the next five-year period.


Hong Kong’s current AQOs took effect on January 1 last year. In the same year, the Government set up a working group to evaluate air quality improvement and formulate future AQOs.


In light of its assessment results, the working group endorsed a proposal to tighten five prevailing AQOs, including one on levels of fine suspended particulates, and apply three new parameters to align with the WHO’s AQGs.


The Government will report its review findings to the Advisory Council on the Environment in September, and hold two public consultation forums in the same month.


Seating at the two forums will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Members of the public who would like to attend may complete a registration form on the consultation’s dedicated website, or submit a completed form to the bureau by email, by fax to 2838 2155, or by post to Air Policy Section 1, Environment & Ecology Bureau, 33/F, Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. 


Members of the public can also download a consultation document and share their views via the dedicated website before the consultation ends on October 31.


The Government will report the results of the public consultation to the Legislative Council’s Panel on Environmental Affairs by the end of this year, with a view to introducing an amendment bill to LegCo next year.

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