Salt supply remains stable: Govt

August 25, 2023

The Government today said that the supply of edible salt in Hong Kong remains stable and that stocks are sufficient for local consumption for around one month.


It advised the public not to worry about the supply or to stockpile edible salt.


The Government noted that there have been news reports of a surge in purchases of edible salt, possibly triggered by the rumour that iodised salt can help humans resist radiation. It said some people’s concerns about shortages may have resulted in empty shelves in some supermarkets.


The Centre for Food Safety pointed out that there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that eating iodine-rich food and iodised salt can prevent the physical harm brought by radiation.


Stressing that excessive intake of iodine or salt is harmful, particularly to people who suffer from hypertension, heart disease or kidney disease, the centre urged the public to refrain from purchasing and eating too much edible salt.


According to information from the Census & Statistics Department, edible salt consumed in Hong Kong mainly comes from Mainland China, Malaysia and Australia, while the market share of Japanese edible salt is less than 1%.  The Government's current import restrictions on 10 Japanese metropolises or prefectures do not therefore affect the supply of edible salt in Hong Kong.


The Government added that the centre’s staff have surveyed the retail situation. They have learned from major supermarkets that some salt shelves had not been restocked in timely fashion due to operational reasons rather than shortages. Those retail outlets have resolved to replenish their stocks as soon as possible.


The Government also reminded the public to remain calm and rational and to be cautious of fake news.

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