Voucher reminder issued

July 21, 2023

The Government today reminded Octopus card users who have not yet received the second instalment of the 2023 Consumption Voucher Scheme that they must first meet the cumulative eligible spending requirement.


It explained that people who receive their consumption vouchers via Octopus must reach the target of $3,000 in cumulative eligible spending by July 31 in order to collect their second voucher on August 16.


The Government added that Octopus Cards, the operator of the Octopus system, will start sending SMS reminders today, through the number 9665 7134, to such registrants who have yet to meet the spending requirement.


For those who have no remaining balance on their Octopus card but whose cumulative eligible spending has still not reached the required target, they should first top up their Octopus card and make up the eligible spending.


For people who only meet the spending target after July 31, the receiving date for the second voucher value will be postponed to the 16th of the following month after the target has been reached.


The cumulative spending requirement has to be met on or before October 31 this year at the latest.


For individuals who receive consumption vouchers in half value, the cumulative eligible spending requirement is $1,500, and their second voucher value is $1,000.


To enquire about the cumulative eligible spending amount, call the Octopus hotline at 2969 5588, use the Octopus website or mobile app, or visit its service points at MTR stations. 

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