12m SIM cards finish registration

February 24, 2023

The Government said that about 12 million SIM cards have completed real-name registration as at yesterday, the deadline of the one-year transitional period for pre-paid SIM (PPS) card users to complete registration with telecommunications service providers.


Noting the registration figure is in line with expectations, the Government said that from today onwards, all SIM cards issued and used locally, including SIM service plans and PPS cards, have to complete real-name registration for activation or continuation of service.


Users whose cards were deactivated for not having completed real-name registration by the deadline can register to reactivate the service within the validity period of the cards.


Registration can be completed via an electronic registration platform by following the instructions at the hyperlink of the final SMS notification reminder sent by the telecommunications service providers just before the registration deadline under the name SIMREG.


Alternatively, users can complete the relevant procedures at the retail outlets of the telecommunications service providers.


Meanwhile, the real-name registration service counters set up by the Government at 18 designated post offices will continue to provide support service for free until the end of March.


Users should bring along their identity card, the PPS card to be registered and their mobile phone, and provide information on the identity cards for the registration.


Call 2961 6699 for enquiries.

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