New SFC chief appointed

December 15, 2022

The Chief Executive today appointed Julia Leung as Securities & Futures Commission Chief Executive Officer for three years starting January 1, 2023, succeeding Ashley Alder upon his coming departure.


Financial Secretary Paul Chan lauded Ms Leung for having a profound knowledge of and extensive experience in the operation and regulation of Hong Kong's securities and futures markets and the commission's operation, as well as a deep understanding of the financial markets in the Mainland and overseas.


He stressed that she has a good standing in financial arenas and the vision for enhancing Hong Kong as an international financial centre.


The Government has every confidence in her leadership of the commission and the promotion of the regulation and development of Hong Kong's securities and futures markets, Mr Chan added.


A selection panel made the recommendation to the Chief Executive on the appointment of Ms Leung following a global recruitment exercise.


The selection panel was chaired by the Financial Secretary and its members include Joseph Yam, Tim Lui, Carlson Tong, Nicky Lo and the Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury.

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