HK to shine brighter than ever: CE
As Chief Executive John Lee unveiled his 2022 Policy Address today, he stressed that the Government will strive to develop Hong Kong, so that the Pearl of the Orient will shine brighter than ever.
While delivering his first Policy Address, John Lee explained that after he assumed the Chief Executive post, he deeply felt that he was charged with a heavy responsibility and pondered questions regarding citizens’ concerns, their vision for Hong Kong and their expectations towards the Policy Address.
In his quest to strive to build a better Hong Kong, he expressed gratitude to the people and all sectors of the community for offering him suggestions over the past three months.
Mr Lee pointed out that the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century that will affect the pace of our economic recovery. He also noted that the pandemic and rapidly worsening global economic outlook, coupled with high inflation, interest rate hikes, tightening monetary policies, trade disputes and geopolitical tensions, have weakened the growth momentum of the global economy.
Still, he stated that notwithstanding the challenges, Hong Kong has its own overriding advantages and enjoys abundant opportunities under the “one country, two systems” principle.
He emphasised that with the strongest business environment worldwide, Hong Kong is an international financial, trade and shipping centre, as well as the world’s largest offshore Renminbi business centre. Apart from these, emerging industries, such as innovation and technology, are thriving.
The Chief Executive lauded Hong Kong for having advanced infrastructure in both hardware and software, a sound legal system and top‑notch talents from all over the world.
Located at the heart of Asia, he highlighted the fact that Hong Kong is the most preferred destination for multinational corporations to set up their operations in Asia. An open and diversified metropolis where old and new styles meet, Hong Kong is also an appealing city embracing both Chinese and Western cultures.
He added that under the “one country, two systems” principle, Hong Kong has the distinctive advantages of enjoying strong support of the motherland and being closely connected to the world. Plus, having direct access to the huge Mainland market and strong international connectivity at the same time, Hong Kong serves as a bridge linking the Mainland and the rest of the world.
This is why key national strategies including the 14th Five‑Year Plan, the development of the Guangdong‑Hong Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area and the Belt & Road Initiative provide Hong Kong with unlimited opportunities.
This year, the greatest encouragement was brought to us by President Xi Jinping’s visit to Hong Kong to attend the meeting celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland and the inaugural ceremony of the sixth‑term Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, where he delivered an important speech, Mr Lee pointed out.
He revealed that President Xi put forward “four musts” and “four proposals” and said that “Hong Kong will prosper only when its young people thrive”. He made it clear that such an important speech not only reinforces the confidence of all sectors of the community in the city’s future development, it now serves as his governance blueprint.
Given that Hong Kong is now at the crucial stage of advancing from stability to prosperity, over the next five years, Mr Lee vowed to lead the government team to unite and motivate all sectors of the community, and give full play to its fine traditions of inclusiveness, unity and respect for different viewpoints.
He emphasised that the Government will make its best endeavour, all for better serving our people and better developing Hong Kong, so that the Pearl of the Orient will shine brighter than ever.
As he outlined his governing beliefs, visions and policy initiatives, he encouraged all citizens to get involved in the Government’s effort to start a new chapter together for Hong Kong.
In his closing remarks, the Chief Executive stressed that the next five years are important for Hong Kong to break new grounds and achieve another leap forward. At a time when the world is undergoing unprecedented changes in a century, Hong Kong faces both opportunities and challenges, but there are more opportunities than challenges.
While stressing that he has full confidence in the future of Hong Kong, he said the key to success is to seize the opportunities of the times, give our best and enhance our competitiveness.
Building on the governing beliefs outlined in his election manifesto, Mr Lee noted that this Policy Address has set out more concrete goals and detailed measures.
He stated that he is confident that with the concerted efforts of the governing team and civil servants at all levels, as well as the community’s support, the Government will be able to implement all the measures in his Policy Address.
The biggest aspiration of Hong Kong citizens is to have more decent housing, improved care for the elderly, better prospects for the youth in their education and achievements and more development opportunities in society.
The Chief Executive reiterated that guided by the important speech delivered by President Xi as the governance blueprint, it is the Government’s hope that it will better serve the people and better develop Hong Kong, so that everyone can share the fruits of the city’s achievements.
He added that over the next five years, he looks forward to working with all citizens to build a more promising and united Hong Kong where people enjoy living and working.