Dress Casual Fridays launched

August 3, 2022

The Government today announced the launch of Dress Casual Fridays starting this week.


To encourage and facilitate government employees to take part in more sports and recreational activities during their spare time, they are urged to dress sporty or casual for work on Fridays.


Secretary for the Civil Service Ingrid Yeung said the Government strongly encourages government employees to take part in sports and physical activities during their leisure time to keep up their physical and mental health and maintain a work-life balance.


As this year's Sport for All Day will take place on August 7, the Government explained that it decided to launch Dress Casual Fridays this week to support colleagues to develop the habit of doing regular physical exercise.


In addition to issuing an email to all bureaus and departments for the launch, the Civil Service Bureau took the opportunity to recommend a number of Leisure & Cultural Services Department and Department of Health designated websites that highlight the health benefits of exercising as well as details of Sport For All Day 2022.


The Government also pointed out that the implementation of Dress Casual Fridays does not apply to staff required to wear uniforms or working clothes for operational needs, or wear formal attire for attending important events.

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