SJ calls on Beijing ministries
Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng today met officials from the Public Security, Foreign Affairs and Justice ministries in Beijing.
She also met Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law Committee of the National People's Congress Standing Committee Chairman Shen Chunyao.
At the morning meeting with Mr Shen, Ms Cheng pointed out that Hong Kong has reverted to a safe, rational and inclusive society after the National Security Law’s implementation, while the principle of “patriots administering Hong Kong” is upheld by improving the electoral system.
She also pointed out that the Department of Justice has been conducting different activities to give young people a proper understanding of the basic concepts of the Constitution, the Basic Law and the National Security Law.
The department will organise the second legal summit on the Basic Law next year, Ms Cheng added.
At the meeting with State Councillor and Public Security Minister Zhao Kezhi and Assistant Minister Chen Siyuan, the justice secretary introduced the department’s works along with the officials in her entourage.
She then briefed the ministers on the latest situation after the National Security Law’s implementation, and spoke about exploring the arrangements for facilitating people taking part in arbitral proceedings to travel to and from Hong Kong.
In the afternoon, Ms Cheng visited the Foreign Affairs Ministry to meet Vice Minister Ma Zhaoxu and Department of Treaty & Law Director-General Jia Guide.
She said the department will host the Annual Session of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization at the end of this year. The event was postponed last year due to the pandemic.
At the meeting, Ms Cheng also outlined the latest situation of international institutions setting up offices in the Hong Kong Legal Hub.
Ms Cheng then called on the Justice Ministry where she signed a framework arrangement with Justice Minister Tang Yijun to develop more two-way channels for legal talent exchanges and training co-operation.