746 people receive honours, medals

July 1, 2021

The Chief Executive has awarded 746 people in this year’s Honours List in recognition of their significant contributions to Hong Kong or for their dedicated public and community service.


Seven people - Chief Justice Andrew Cheung, Secretary for Justice Teresa Cheng, Chow Chung-kong, Regina Ip, Chan Chung-bun, Choi Koon-shum, Lo Man-tuen - received the Grand Bauhinia Medal.


Eighteen people received the Gold Bauhinia Star, 22 the Silver Bauhinia Star, and 41 the Bronze Bauhinia Star.


Four people received the Silver Medal for Bravery and four people received the Bronze Medal for Bravery.


Eighteen people were awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for disciplined services & the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and 49 the Meritorious Service Medals for disciplined services & the ICAC.


Eighty-three people received the Medal of Honour, 165 the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service and 335 the Chief Executive's Commendation for Government/Public Service.


The Government pointed out that the number of award recipients in the Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service and the Chief Executive's Commendation for Government/Public Service this year is exceptionally large.


This is to give recognition to those involved in fighting against the COVID-19 epidemic in the past year, it added.


Click here for the full Honours List.

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