422k BioNTech jabs arrive

June 26, 2021

The latest shipment of about 422,000 doses of the BioNTech vaccine, filled and finished at a plant in Baxter, Germany, arrived in Hong Kong today as arranged by Fosun Pharma.


In this shipment, 134,550 doses are packaged in six-dose vials while the rest are in five-dose vials.


The Secretary for Food & Health has approved the revised information on product labels, the package insert and patient information. The Department of Health will arrange a briefing on the updates for all community vaccination centre operators.


Staff carried out stringent checks and inspections to ensure the vaccine complies with the product specifications and that the transportation process followed the relevant cold-chain requirements.


The Government will put the vaccine in validated ultra-low temperature freezers to ensure its proper storage in accordance with the temperature specified by the drug manufacturer.

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