App update aids jab record retrieval

Users can store their COVID-19 vaccination or testing records with the Electronic Vaccination & Testing Record function in version 2.0 of the LeaveHomeSafe mobile app.
The updated LeaveHomeSafe mobile app lets users store their vaccination and testing records, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer announced today.
Under the vaccine bubble, there are more opportunities for citizens to present their COVID-19 vaccination records. The newly added Electronic Vaccination & Testing Record function in the LeaveHomeSafe mobile app’s version 2.0 allows users to scan and save the QR codes from their paper or electronic vaccination records for easy retrieval. The new function can also save electronic testing records.
Separately, iPhone users of the iAM Smart mobile app can save the QR codes of electronic vaccination records into Apple Wallet, the office added.
To protect stored records and personal data privacy, users must pass through the same biometric or password authentication that they use for unlocking their phones when accessing electronic vaccination or testing records in the app.
The QR code on the vaccination record adopts digital signature technology to ensure that the data it contains is tamper-proof and authentic, the office said.
Since both paper and electronic vaccination records as well as the related QR codes are personal documents, members of the public should neither send others such electronic documents nor share them online, the office noted.
It reiterated that the LeaveHomeSafe app does not require registration for use and does not have a tracking function. Like the users’ check-in data, electronic vaccination records saved in the app will not be uploaded or transferred to the Government or any other systems. Users can replace or remove the electronic vaccination or testing records from the mobile app at any time.
Having consulted the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data regarding the implementation of the new function in the LeaveHomeSafe app to ensure its compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the office emphasised that people can feel at ease when using it.