Premises register air compliance

April 20, 2021

The Government today said so far 1,317 catering premises have submitted online registrations in respect of compliance with the legal requirements on air change or air purifiers in catering premises.


The Secretary for Food & Health has stipulated a requirement on air change or air purifiers to be complied with in dine-in catering premises in the directions in relation to the catering business under the Prevention & Control of Disease (Requirements & Directions) (Business & Premises) Regulation.


To comply with the requirement, catering premises operators have to register with the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) on or before April 30 that the air change per hour at their seating areas has reached six, or air purifiers that meet the specified specifications have been installed according to the on-the-ground situation together with a certificate issued by a registered specialist contractor.


As at April 19, 1,317 catering premises have submitted online registrations and another 129 have submitted online declarations before March 18 through a voluntary declaration scheme.


Catering premises must submit an extension application to the FEHD if they cannot complete the registration on time. The department will consider each case based on individual circumstances.


Click here to download and submit the application form in accordance with the instructions on the website.


On the requirement that the air change per hour at seating areas of dine-in catering premises must reach at least six, the Government said that it has drawn reference from various materials around the world, including ventilation standards applicable to non-residential buildings, relevant scientific and clinical research, and information provided by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers of the UK and others on design guidelines for ventilation systems at public venues.


They are balanced with relevant factors including effectiveness of the measures and the affordability of the trade, the Government added.

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