2 sites to be sold
A residential site in Kwu Tung and a commercial site in Causeway Bay in the 2020-21 Land Sale Programme will be sold by public tender, the Lands Department announced today.
Fanling Sheung Shui Town Lot No. 279 at Area 25, Kwu Tung is designated for non-industrial purposes, excluding godown, hotel and petrol filling station.
It has a site area of about 18,567 sq m with a minimum and maximum gross floor area of 66,842 sq m and 111,402 sq m.
Both include the gross floor area of a public transport interchange which has to be constructed by the purchaser under the Conditions of Sale.
The tender invitation for the lot will open on March 26 and close on April 23.
Inland Lot No. 8945 at Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay is designated for non-industrial purposes, excluding residential, godown and petrol filling station.
It has a site area of about 14,802 sq m with a minimum and maximum gross floor area of 60,000 sq m and 100,000 sq m.
Both include the gross floor area of a child care centre, a day care centre for the elderly and a district health centre but exclude the gross floor area of the public vehicle park, all of which have to be constructed by the purchaser under the Conditions of Sale.
The tender invitation for the lot will open on March 26 and close on May 7.