External voting a HK issue: CE

November 25, 2020

(To watch the full press conference with sign language interpretation, click here.)


The idea of allowing Hong Kong residents living on the Mainland to cast their votes in the city’s elections was raised by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said today.


Responding to media questions at a press conference on her 2020 Policy Address this afternoon, Mrs Lam noted that the Government has been asked to improve the electoral arrangements.


"In the Policy Address I mentioned that although the Legislative Council election has been deferred for one year, we have received quite a lot of views about improvements to the electoral arrangements like a special queue for elderly people, like using electronic means to dish out the ballot papers and so on - including of course a desire (expressed) especially by Hong Kong people now living, working and studying in the Mainland to be able to cast their votes on voting day.


“All these are now being considered by the Constitutional & Mainland Affairs Bureau.


“In the course of considering these proposals and coming up with a piece of legislation, we have to address the issues that you have highlighted, that are the legal issues, the logistics and so on."


Mrs Lam clarified that the idea of external voting was put forward by the Hong Kong SAR Government based on the aspirations of Hong Kong people living and working on the Mainland conveyed over the years.


"There is no Central People’s Government angle. Let me make it very clear: this is a Hong Kong issue.


"Of course when we have decided to implement (the measure), then we need some support and advice from the central government on whether it is possible, in a Mainland city, to set up polling stations and so on."

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