Taxi bill scrutiny discontinued

June 1, 2020

The Government expressed deep regret over the Bills Committee on Franchised Taxi Services Bill’s decision to discontinue scrutiny of the bill today.


In a statement, the Government noted that since the introduction of the bill into the Legislative Council in May 2019, it has been fully co-operative with the bills committee with regard to scrutiny of the bill, explaining the policies in relation to franchised taxis and the content of the bill as well as listening to the views of lawmakers and the public.


Since the bills committee has decided to discontinue scrutiny of the bill, the Government will not resume the second reading debate on it in this legislative year.


The statement noted that the franchised taxi proposal in the bill is the outcome of years of consultation with the trade and different stakeholders, which has struck a balance among various considerations.


The Government still considers the introduction of franchised taxis can meet the new demand in the community for higher quality personalised and point-to-point public transport services with online hailing features.


It will take into account the public's views and relevant circumstances when considering whether to reintroduce the bill into LegCo in the next council term.

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