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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 21, 2008


Food safety law to be enhanced

The Food Safety Bill is being formulated to require importers and distributors to register with the Food Safety Authority while the food business must keep records on food sources and distribution.


Secretary for Food & Health Dr York Chow told the Legislative Council today this will enable the Government to trace a problem food's source and distribution more promptly and take proper measures to minimise its impact in the event of a food incident.


The bill will also empower the authority to issue an order to prohibit a problem food's import or sale and to issue a food recall order when the situation warrants. This will prevent a problem food from entering the market or remaining on market shelves.


Dr Chow said food importers, wholesalers and retailers all bear the responsibility to ensure the food they sell is fit for eating and meets legal requirements.


The Centre for Food Safety takes food samples at import, wholesale and retail levels regularly for chemical and microbiological tests, he said, adding the centre has adopted a three-tier approach to food surveillance - routine, targeted and seasonal food surveillances.