Jab certificate invalidation on hold

October 11, 2022

The Government announced today that it will suspend the arrangement for refusing the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination medical exemption certificates suspected of abuse in issuance.


Earlier, seven private doctors were suspected of failing to provide a proper medical consultation to patients in accordance with the Department of Health’s guidelines and abusing the issuance of jab exemption certificates. The Government then decided that from Wednesday, such exemption documents issued by the seven doctors would not be accepted for Vaccine Pass purposes.


However, in view of the High Court’s interim injunction, which was handed down today having considered the pending substantive hearing of the relevant judicial review case, the Government will put on hold its plan to refuse the jab exemption certificates until the court has conducted a substantive hearing on the judicial review and given further instruction.


The Government reiterated that people may put their own life at risk if they continue to delay vaccination according to the problematic medical recommendations.


Such individuals should seek medical consultation again from other doctors to ascertain whether they are suitable for the jab or can continue to be medically exempted, it added.

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