Trademark law amendment gazetted

February 8, 2019

The Trade Marks (Amendment) Bill 2019 was gazetted today.


The bill seeks to amend the Trade Marks Ordinance to implement the international registration system under the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks upon its application to Hong Kong.


The Madrid Protocol provides a mechanism for seeking registration of a trademark in the register of the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization.


It also provides a mechanism for seeking extension of protection for such a trademark in multiple jurisdictions by a one-stop application process.


The Government said the implementation of the protocol will save businesses time and cost in obtaining and managing international trademark registrations.


Its implementation is in line with the Government’s commitment to enhance Hong Kong’s intellectual property regime, it added.


The Madrid Protocol has 103 contracting parties including China and many other major trading partners of Hong Kong, but it has yet to apply to the city.


The bill will be introduced into the Legislative Council on February 20.

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