Tunnel jams to be eased

October 11, 2018

The Government has proposed alleviating traffic congestion at the three cross-harbour tunnels by adjusting their tolls from 2020.


The actual tolls payable by private cars, taxis and motorcycles for using the Western Harbour Crossing will be lowered, while the corresponding tolls of the Cross-Harbour Tunnel and the Eastern Harbour Crossing will be increased at the same time.


Attending a question and answer session at the Legislative Council today, Chief Executive Carrie Lam said cross-harbour traffic congestion is so serious that it impacts on non-cross-harbour traffic as well.


Mrs Lam noted the Central-Wan Chai Bypass will be commissioned soon, which will provide a direct route to the Western Harbour Crossing.


She said its commissioning comes at the right time to help re-distribute traffic among the harbour crossings.


The proposal will be a way to alleviate tunnel traffic congestion before the Western Harbour Crossing franchise expires in 2023, Mrs Lam added.


It will be submitted to LegCo for consideration.

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