Exam fairness protected

June 27, 2018

Fairness and confidentiality in public examinations are of the utmost importance to the Examinations & Assessment Authority.


Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung told legislators today there has been no leak of examination questions before tests since the implementation of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination in 2012.


There was only one confirmed case of not preserving secrecy involving the uploading of the marking schemes and oral questions for the 2012 HKDSE onto a tutorial website, he said.


Stringent security protocols and processes of designing, reviewing, printing, packing and distributing examination papers have been established and implemented on the recommendations of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.


The authority has enhanced the guideline on nomination of invigilators by schools for the 2018 HKDSE.


He said: "Fairness and confidentiality in public examinations are of the utmost importance to the HKEAA. Staff will report to law enforcement agencies according to the established mechanism and guidelines should there be any suspected cases identified."

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