R&D funding scheme opens

April 26, 2018

The 2018 Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Co-operation Funding Scheme is now open for funding applications.


The scheme was launched in 2004 by the Hong Kong-Guangdong Expert Group on Co-operation in Innovation & Technology. The Shenzhen Government joined the scheme in 2005.


The initiative enhances collaboration between universities, research institutes and technology enterprises of the two places, and aims to upgrade the technological level of the industry in the Greater Pearl River Delta region.


There are three categories of research and development projects in the scheme.


The first category covers projects to be funded by the Innovation & Technology Fund while the second covers those to be funded by Mainland authorities.


Projects in the third category will be jointly funded by Guangdong and Hong Kong authorities or Shenzhen and Hong Kong authorities.


The Innovation & Technology Commission said there are 29 technology areas under the first category, which is open to applications from Hong Kong institutions.


The governments of the two sides will provide funding support for projects in 25 technology areas under the third category.


The application deadline is June 15.


Click here for details.

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