TSA advice accepted

March 16, 2018

The Education Bureau has accepted recommendations on the Primary 3 Territory-wide System Assessment (TSA) for 2018 and beyond by the Co-ordinating Committee on Basic Competency Assessment & Assessment Literacy.


Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung spoke to the media after attending the committee meeting today, saying the bureau will arrange Primary 3 TSA with a "no student names, no school names, no collection of reports and selection of participants by sampling" approach, as advised by the committee.


About 10% of Primary 3 students from each public sector school and Direct Subsidy Scheme school will be sampled for the assessment each year.


To support non-Chinese speaking students and those with special educational needs, a certain number of pupils from these groups will be separately sampled for the assessment.


As only a small number of students in each school will participate in the assessment, school reports will not be provided.


In the review, the education sector generally agreed with the concept of assessment for learning. The Examinations & Assessment Authority can arrange for schools to allow all their Primary 3 students to participate in the assessment and to provide school reports.


Mr Yeung said the arrangement is on voluntary basis and the Government will not obtain school reports of individual schools and use the data from TSA to evaluate schools.


"So with the sampling method that we are going to adopt for 2018, we believe that with all these measures together, there should not be any serious drilling I think amongst the schools, even if we still provide an opportunity for the schools to get their school reports."

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