What is RSS?

RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". It is an XML-based format for distributing and gathering content from sources across the Web, including newspapers, magazines, and blogs.

Web publishers use RSS to create and distribute news feeds that include links, headlines, and summaries.

How can I use RSS?

The most common ways to view RSS feeds are:

You can subscribe to an RSS feed in two simple steps: 

Using a browser equipped with an RSS reader

Some browsers allow subscriptions to RSS feeds. The browser will display an RSS button at the end of the address bar or in the tool bar whenever you visit a webpage that provides a feed. Just click on the RSS icon to subscribe. You can then view the latest information via the browser's bookmarks or a shortcut in the tool bar.

Using a dedicated RSS Reader

Free RSS readers are easy to find by searching online with keywords such as "RSS reader". When you have subscribed to or installed a dedicated RSS reader, you can add an RSS feed by copying an address, such as "", and pasting it to the subscription box of your reader.

News readers or browsers which support RSS will download and display RSS feeds for you. A number of free and commercial readers are available for download.

  • Search and download free RSS readers (Google)